We need to update a JSONB data structure in our tables to include an
'is_valid' flag. I was able to build a CTE which I use to create a temp
table containing the 'is_valid' value, the path where it needs to be set,
and the join criteria. Let's say that the temp table looks like:

id TEXT,
> time_inserted TIMESTAMPTZ,
> path TEXT[],
> is_valid BOOLEAN
> PRIMARY KEY (id, time_inserted)

Let's say that the table with the data I want to modify has a JSONB
structure which needs to be updated in multiple paths:

>    "path1": {
>        "invalid_data": "here"
>     },
>     "path2: {
>         "valid_data": "here",
>     },...
> }

For each path needing updates, I have a single entry in the temp table...
How do I structure the WITH..UPDATE..FROM query to apply all changes from
the temp table?

I've tried to use a simple case:

UPDATE target AS d SET data=jsonb_set(d.data, n.path, is_valid::JSONB, true)
> FROM temp_table n
> WHERE d.time_inserted=n.time_inserted AND d.data->>'id'=n.id

But this results in just the first update for a given PK being applied.

Any assistance would be appreciated!!!

Deven Phillips

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