On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 11:15 PM, Nick Babadzhanian <n...@cobra.ru> wrote:

> Setup:
> 2 PostgreSQL servers are geographically spread. The first one is used for
> an application that gathers data. It is connected to the second database
> that is used to process the said data. Connection is not very stable nor is
> it fast, so using Bidirectional replication is not an option. It is OK if
> data is shipped in batches rather than streamed.
> Question:
> Is there a way to make the standby server non-read-only, so that it can
> keep getting updates (mostly inserts) from the 'master', but users are able
> to edit the data stored on 'slave'? Is there some alternative solution to
> this?

You can consider Ruby replication for such a requirement. I think, there is
no much development happening around Ruby Replication since long time i
believe. This can be used for production environment.


Venkata B N

Fujitsu Australia

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