On 06/17/2016 09:23 PM, Scott Marlowe wrote:
On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Andy Colson <a...@squeakycode.net
<mailto:a...@squeakycode.net>> wrote:
Hi all.
I have access to quite a few laptop HD's (10 to 15 of them at least), and
thought that might make a neat test box that might have some good IO speed.
Needs to be cheap though, so linux with software raid, rack mount preferred
but not required.
Anyone have any experience with anything like that? $2K might be possible,
painful, but possible.
Sell them all and buy a couple of 800G SSDs? :)
Gaaa.. math!
Yep, had not thought about that. But do I want speed or space? How much could we sell
them for? So many questions I had not thought about. I'd just thought, "huh, a
pile of laptop drives, I'd better raid them", and not much else.
We have good production boxes, so this would only be for test/play. I don't
even really have a purpose, other than maybe learning something new.
Thanks all for the suggestions.
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