> On Jun 17, 2016, at 3:03 AM, Alex John <alex.j...@holmusk.com> wrote:
> Hello, I have a few questions regarding the use of PostgreSQL and HIPAA
> compliance. I work for a company that plans on storing protected health
> information (PHI) on our servers. We have looked at various solutions for 
> doing
> so, and RDS is a prime candidate except for the fact that they have explicitly
> stated that the Postgres engine is *not* HIPAA compliant.

There's nothing fundamental to postgresql that would make HIPAA compliance
difficult, and *probably* nothing major with the way it's deployed on RDS. 
certification takes time and money, though.

> Users on the IRC channel generally say that the guidelines are more catered
> towards building better firewalls and a sane access policy, but I would like 
> to
> know if there is anything within the implementation of Postgres itself that
> violates said compliance.
> If anyone works at a similar company and utilizes postgresql to store PHI,
> please let me know.

EnterpriseDB are helping provide HIPAA compliant postgresql on AWS; it
might be worth having a chat with them.



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