On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 2:21 PM, Liza Sazonova <l...@getpitstop.io> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to implement a keyword-based search on my database.
> I have some text input (Say, "The A or B and C with D") and a list of
> keywords ("B","X","Y"). I want to identify which keywords are present in
> the text input. I also want to use a thesaurus to process the text input,
> since the keywords have synonyms (for example, "The A : X").
> As far as I understand, the only way for me to process text input with a
> thesaurus would be to use tsvector / tsquery; or at least this is the
> fastest way.
> Is it possible to retrieve the tsvector from the text input, then retrieve
> the tsvector from the keyword list, and identify which words are present in
> both?
>From its description the tsvector_to_array function sounds like it would be
helpful here.


​tsvector_to_array(input) -> unnest
tsvector_to_array(keywords) -> unnest

​David J.​

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