On Wednesday, June 15, 2016 3:56:07 PM EDT Alexander Farber wrote:
> Now I am trying to call the same function through JDBC driver 9.4.1208.jre7:
>     private static final String SQL_SKIP_GAME   =
>             "SELECT words_skip_game(?, ?)";
>         try (PreparedStatement st =
> mDatabase.prepareStatement(SQL_SKIP_GAME)) { st.setInt(1, mUid);
>             st.setInt(2, gid);
>             st.executeUpdate();
>         }
> and sadly get the SQLException "A result was returned when none was
> expected.".
> Shouldn't I call executeUpdate() method here - according to the doc
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/static/jdbc-callproc.html  ?

You are looking at the 7.4 documentation. That page is so old it can apply for 
a driver's license in some jurisdictions.

Looking at the 9.4 documentation, I see something completely different:


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