Em 13/06/2016 22:33, Edson Richter escreveu:
I've a table "A" with 4,000,000 records.

I've decided to delete records from oldest to newest but I can't delete records that have references in tables "B", "C" or "D".

so, I've

with qry as (

    select A.id

      from A

    where not exists (select 1 from B where B.a_id = A.id)

       and not exists (select 1 from C where C.a_id = A.id)

       and not exists (select 1 from D where D.a_id = A.id)

       and A.creation_date < (now()::date - interval '12 month')

  order by A.id DESC

  limit 2000


delete from A where id in (select id from qry);

All three referenced tables have indexes (B.a_id; C.a_id; D.a_id) in order to make query faster.

So for first 2 million rows it worked really well, taking about 1 minute to delete each group of 2000 records.

Then, after a while I just started to get errors like:

ERROR: update or delete in "A" violates foreign key "fk_C_A" in "C".

DETAIL:  Key (id)=(3240124) is still referenced by table "C".

Seems to me that indexes got lost in the path - the query is really specific and no "C" referenced records can be in my deletion.

Has anyone faced a behavior like this?

Am I doing something wrong?

Of course:
Version string PostgreSQL 9.4.8 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4), 64-bit
Oracle Linux 7 x64 with all updates. Running on EXT4 file system.
Computer is Dell R420 with mirrored disks, 80GB of RAM (database has < 40GB in total).

Sorry for not putting the info in the first e-mail.


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