Oh yeah, the table structure will change after this is all done, but not in
the middle of it. The view would only last a few minutes and maintain the
exact same schema.

Thanks for the tip re: deadlocks, I'll keep that in mind!


On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 1:24 PM, Andy Colson <a...@squeakycode.net> wrote:

> On 6/8/2016 12:57 PM, Ben Buckman wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to rename a table with ~35k rows (on pgsql 9.4), let's say
>> from `oldthings` to `newthings`.
>> Our application is actively reading from and writing to this table, and
>> the code will break if the table name suddenly changes at runtime. So I
>> can't simply run an `ALTER TABLE oldthings RENAME TO newthings`, unless
>> we take downtime, which we'd prefer not to do. (I'd also prefer to avoid
>> a data migration from one table to another, which would require
>> dual-writes or some other way to handle data written during the
>> transition.)
>> It seems that a reasonable approach to do this without downtime, would
>> be to use a temporary VIEW. We can `CREATE VIEW newthings AS SELECT *
>> FROM oldthings;`. Views in pg9.4 that are backed by a single table
>> support writes. So my plan is like this:
>> 1. Create the view, essentially as an alias to the table.
>> 2. In the code, change all references from the old name to the new name.
>> The code would "think" it's using a renamed table, but would really be
>> using a view.
>>   (At this point, I expect that all basic CRUD operations on the view
>> should behave as if they were on the table, and that the added
>> performance impact would be negligible.)
>> 3. In a transaction, drop the view and rename the table, so `newthings`
>> is now the original table and `oldthings` no longer exists. (In my
>> testing, this operation took <10ms.)
>>   (When this is done, the view will have only existed and been used by
>> the application for a few minutes.)
>> What are people's thoughts on this approach? Is there a flaw or
>> potential danger that I should be aware of? Is there a simpler approach
>> I should consider instead?
>> Thank you
>> --
> Oh, one other minor comment.  I usually have a temp schema staging area
> with exact table structures but new data, and when everything is ready I
> run:
> start trans;
> drop table public.tableA;
> alter table tmp.tableA new schema public;
> ... same for 100 more tables ...
> commit;
> 99% of the time it works great, but every once and a while I get a
> deadlock error.  I just re-run it real quick and it works fine.
> when you do your drop view, rename table, if you happen to get a deadlock,
> I wouldnt worry too much.  Just re-run it.  Also, I'm still on 9.3 so maybe
> its not as much of a problem anymore.
> -Andy
> --
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