> > > > I need to do the setup for High availability function. > > Also want to implement load balancing for 02 nodes. >
You will have to build streaming replication which was introduced in PostgreSQL-9.0 > I think PGPool will be require for that. Can I use PGPool without cost. > pgpool-II is an open source tool which can be used for connection pooling and load balancing. > Can I get the basic steps to do this setup? > > > > Database -- Postgresql 9.1 > > OS -- Linux 6 > Below is the link which explains the basic steps to setup "streaming replication" https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/warm-standby.html By the way, version 9.1 is very old and will reach end-of-life soon. You are 4 major versions behind, did you consider using latest version ? Regards, Venkata B N Fujitsu Australia