Ken Winter <> writes:

> I just discovered that a run of pg_dump that gets aborted empties any 
> pre-existing backup file of the same name.  It happens whether the run was 
> deliberately canceled
> by the user or just failed because of a bad password (as in the example 
> below). 
> ~/dba$ pg_dump --host=localhost -U ken  --format=c 
> --file=mess_development.bak --no-owner --no-privileges mess_development
> ~/dba$ ls -l mess_development.bak
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 ken ken 87070 May 26 14:20 mess_development.bak
> ~/dba$ pg_dump --host=localhost -U ken  --format=c 
> --file=mess_development.bak --no-owner --no-privileges mess_development
> pg_dump: [archiver (db)] connection to database "mess_development" failed: 
> FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "ken"
> FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "ken"
> ~/dba$ ls -l mess_development.bak
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 ken ken 0 May 26 14:21 mess_development.bak
> ~/dba$
> This is troubling because I can imagine a disaster scenario where one loses 
> one's previous backup and, perhaps because of a forgotten password, can't 
> generate a new
> one.  (This scenario hasn't happened to me yet, but seems like it could.)  
> In general, a failed run of a piece of software should leave everything 
> unchanged.  So maybe
> this is a bug that needs to be fixed?

Fix it by not overwriting your existing backup each time.

Yes, it could probably not trunc the file until at least getting a valid
DB connection so this aspect could probably be improved.

You are running a pretty old Pg version.  I vaguely remember discussion
about pg_dump or some other utility truncing files a bit prematurely but
it was long ago.

But it can't know beyond that point if something else is going to cause
the backup to abort.

And I would not expect pg_dump to create a new file alongside your old
file just in case since this can so easily be implemented in whatever
framework you are launching pg_dump with.


> ~ Ken

Jerry Sievers
Postgres DBA/Development Consulting
p: 312.241.7800

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