Hi all

OK. I must come to an end with this task.

This is what I find a decent final version and I plan to use it in my SwissPUG signature until the end of the year.

|   ____  ______  ___    |
|  /    )/      \/   \   |
| (     / __    _\    )  |
|  \    (/ o)  ( o)   )  |
|   \_  (_  )   \ ) _/   |
|     \  /\_/    \)/     |
|      \/ <//|  |\\>     |
|           _|  |        |
|           \|_/         |
|                        |
|  PostgreSQL 1996-2016  |
|  20 years of success   |

It suggests that the trunk is bent behind, like while feeding and I assume that associations with phallic symbols doesn't apply anymore.

Thank you to all that provided feedbacks, suggestions and compliments.

SQL version by Melvin Davidson:

(row_num integer NOT NULL,
 row_dat varchar(30) NOT NULL,
 CONSTRAINT elephant_pk PRIMARY KEY (row_num)

INSERT INTO elephant
(row_num, row_dat)
( 1,'+------------------------+'),
( 2,'|   ____  ______  ___    |'),
( 3,'|  /    )/      \/   \   |'),
( 4,'| (     / __    _\    )  |'),
( 5,'|  \    (/ o)  ( o)   )  |'),
( 6,'|   \_  (_  )   \ ) _/   |'),
( 7,'|     \  /\_/    \)/     |'),
( 8,'|      \/ <//|  |\\>     |'),
( 9,'|           _|  |        |'),
(10,'|           \|_/         |'),
(11,'|                        |'),
(12,'|  PostgreSQL 1996-2016  |'),
(13,'|  20 Years of success   |'),

SELECT row_dat FROM elephant ORDER BY row_num;


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