Can you share the full query and output of EXPLAIN ? Not much data here
On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 6:58 AM Sterpu Victor <> wrote:

> I have a big query that takes about 7 seconds to run(time sending the data
> to the client is not counted).
> Postgres uses 100% of 1 CPU when solving this query. I tried to run the
> query on a HDD and on a SSD with no difference. HDD show about 10% usage
> while the query runs.
> The query has a big "select" list and no "group by" clause. If I delete
> all selects except one the query runs in under a second(it doesn't matter
> what field remains selected).
> It seems that the query is slow because of the long select, can I do
> something to make the query faster?
> Thank you.

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