On 5 May 2016 at 16:56, drum.lu...@gmail.com <drum.lu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION users_code_seq() >> RETURNS "trigger" AS $$ >> BEGIN >> >> IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN >> UPDATE public.company_seqs SET last_seq = (last_seq + 1) WHERE >> company_id = NEW.company_id; >> >> ELSEIF NEW.code IS NULL THEN >> SELECT last_seq INTO code FROM public.company_seqs WHERE >> company_id = NEW.company_id ORDER BY last_seq DESC; >> >> END IF; >> >> RETURN NEW; >> >> END; >> $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; > > > - The command above, does not insert the last_seq into users.code column. > And I don't know why. > > > If I comment the line: *ELSEIF NEW.code IS NULL THEN*, the data is > inserted into the users.code column. > > But as the customer can add data into that column, I only insert the > last_seq if he/she didn't insert anything. > > So I need that *ELSEIF NEW.code IS NULL THEN*. > > - What am I missing? > > Thanks > Lucas > I got it.. it's working now. Thanks