On 05/04/2016 05:26 AM, john.tiger wrote:
On 05/03/2016 06:18 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 05/03/2016 05:07 PM, john.tiger wrote:
our model.rb runs fine on a dev machine and a debian server but is
failing on a new centos server - checked the postgres db name and user
name and password - all seem fine
The error message is?
could it be:
host => "localhost"
or maybe CORS ?
CORS as in:
or something else?
Have you tried connecting using psql with same parameters?
Have you looked at the pg_hba.conf files on the different platforms
and see if they differ?
yeah, but we couldn't find any log file - not sure on centos where this
should be - nothing in /var/log or /var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data
I do not use Centos so I am not sure where the logs go. You might get a
hint by logging in using psql and doing:
show log_directory ;
running psql dbname="ourdb" works
running psql dbname="ourdb" username="ouruser" ==> FATAL peer
That is failing because peer authentication is set up for connecting via
local(per pg_hba.conf below), where local is a socket connection. For
more information see:
Retry the above with -h localhost or -h
authentication failed for user"ouruser"
running \l => shows db
\du => ouruser {} ? doesn't show login although we specified that
as when created role - could that be the problem ?? then how to add
login to user alter role ouruser with login => still shows {}
That is normal. If you could not login you would see something like;
test=# \du test_role
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
test_role | Cannot login | {}
FYI, {} is for role membership, so something like:
test=# \du aklaver
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
aklaver | | {app_admin,enhanced,production}
both pg_hba show:
local all all peer
host all all
host all all ident
Is that all?
In particular is that the full line for the second line above?
Are there any IPv6 address?
re cors - all on same linode server with postgres running on std port so
don't think should be an issue and is not issue on debian server - just
searching for possible answer
here is our model
@conn = PG.connect(
:host => "localhost",
:dbname => "ourdb",
:user => "ouruser",
:password => "ourpassword"
again, this runs fine on debian and debian dev machine
Is there a chance there is more then one instance of Postgres running on
this machine?
Adrian Klaver
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