Hi all,
I'm trying to get the query below a better performance.. but just don't know what else I can do... Please, have a look and let me know if you can help somehow.. also.. if you need some extra data jet ask me please. * Note that the gorfs.inode_segments table is 1.7TB size I have the following Query: explain analyzeSELECT split_part(full_path, '/', 4)::INT AS account_id, split_part(full_path, '/', 6)::INT AS note_id, split_part(full_path, '/', 9)::TEXT AS variation, st_size, segment_index, reverse(split_part(reverse(full_path), '/', 1)) as file_name, i.st_ino, full_path, (i.st_size / 1000000::FLOAT)::NUMERIC(5,2) || 'MB' AS size_mbFROM gorfs.inodes iJOIN gorfs.inode_segments s ON i.st_ino = s.st_ino_targetWHERE i.checksum_md5 IS NOT NULL AND s.full_path ~ '^/userfiles/account/[0-9]+/[a-z]+/[0-9]+' AND i.st_size > 0; split_part(s.full_path, '/', 4)::INT IN ( SELECT account.id FROM public.ja_clients AS account WHERE NOT ( ((account.last_sub_pay > EXTRACT('epoch' FROM (transaction_timestamp() - CAST('4 Months' AS INTERVAL)))) AND (account.price_model > 0)) OR (account.regdate > EXTRACT('epoch' FROM (transaction_timestamp() - CAST('3 Month' AS INTERVAL)))) OR (((account.price_model = 0) AND (account.jobcredits > 0)) AND (account.last_login > EXTRACT('epoch' FROM (transaction_timestamp() - CAST('4 Month' AS INTERVAL))))) ) LIMIT 100); - Explain analyze link: http://explain.depesz.com/s/Oc6 The query is taking ages, and I can't get the problem solved. These are the index I've already created on the inode_segments table: Indexes: "ix_account_id_from_full_path" "btree" (("split_part"("full_path"::"text", '/'::"text", 4)::integer)) WHERE "full_path"::"text" ~ '^/userfiles/account/[0-9]+/[a-z]+/[0-9]+'::"text" "ix_inode_segments_ja_files_lookup" "btree" ((CASE WHEN "full_path"::"text" ~ '/[^/]*\.[^/]*$'::"text" THEN "upper"("regexp_replace"("full_path"::"text", '.*\.'::"text", ''::"text", 'g'::"text")) ELSE NULL::"text"END)) WHERE "gorfs"."is_kaminski_note_path"("full_path"::"text") "ix_inode_segments_notes_clientids" "btree" (("split_part"("full_path"::"text", '/'::"text", 4)::integer)) WHERE "gorfs"."is_kaminski_note_path"("full_path"::"text") "ix_inode_segments_notes_clientids2" "btree" ("full_path") "ix_inode_segments_notes_fileids" "btree" (("split_part"("full_path"::"text", '/'::"text", 8)::integer)) WHERE "gorfs"."is_kaminski_note_path"("full_path"::"text") "ix_inode_segments_notes_noteids" "btree" ((NULLIF("split_part"("full_path"::"text", '/'::"text", 6), 'unassigned'::"text")::integer)) WHERE "gorfs"."is_kaminski_note_path"("full_path"::"text") These are the index I've already created on the inodes table: Indexes: "ix_inodes_checksum_st_size" "btree" ("checksum_md5", "st_size") WHERE "checksum_md5" IS NOT NULL *Question:* What else can I do to improve the Performance of the Query?