On 04/24/2016 09:07 AM, Tomas J Stehlik wrote:
Hello Andrian,

Thank you

Have you even tried a schema only dump from the original instance?

That's an odd question. However, I understand that maybe a lot of beginners
come onto this mailing list.

To the contrary, this is a non-trivial situation.

You can safely assume that I wrote the original request because all the
other approaches failed to bring a result. Everything has already been tried
and tested.

The only question remains the one in the subject line.

If the information is not there, it is not there. In other words if the
  > zeroed out blocks you alluded to cover the system information then I am
  > not sure how it would be possible to recover information from 0?

This is an incorrect assumption.
Most of the information is available.
Just the PostgreSQL server can't work with it [because of the missing bits].

Then I am of no further use to this conversation.

Kind regards,


Adrian Klaver

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