Hi Bráulio:

On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 12:08 PM, Bráulio Bhavamitra
<brauli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And what I keep reading all over the web is many databases switching to
> columnar store (RedShift, Cassandra, cstore_fdw, etc) and having great
> performance on queries in general and giant boosts with big analytics
> queries.

And have you read anything about the drawbacks of columnar? They are
there, but writing about them does not makes the headlines.

> I wonder if there is any plans to move postgresql entirely to a columnar
> store (or at least make it an option), maybe for version 10?

An option may be good ( may, not sure because nothing is free. More
complex code, more bug surface, some time will be eaten managing the
extra complexity, less developer time available for each feature, ...
) , but IMHO a complete move would be bad. Columnar is not that good
for a lot of postgres usages. If columnar were the silver bullet
everybody would be doing it.

Francisco Olarte.

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