On 21 April 2016 at 09:44, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> wrote:

> On 04/19/2016 07:34 PM, drum.lu...@gmail.com wrote:
>>     Information. eg.:
>>     The schema for the tables.
>>     Why is not just adding a DEFAULT value to the users.code not an
>> option?
>> The customer can add their own value to the users.code column.
>> That's why I can't have a default value.
> That is contradicted by your next statement below.
>>     What the default code should be or how it is to be calculated?
>> the default value is 1000.
> See above.
>> So the customer can set their own code value. But if they don't do that,
>> I've to provide the next available value. 1001, 1002, 1003, etc....
> Then why is users.code a varchar field?
>>     What is increment_client_code?
>> It's a column:
>> ALTER TABLE public.companies ADD COLUMN client_code_increment integer;
>> ALTER TABLE public.companies ALTER COLUMN client_code_increment SET
>> DEFAULT 1000;
>>     Does increment_client_code relate to users or some other table, say
>>     clients?
>> nope.. there is no link between them
> Then what is its purpose?
> I am with the other responses in this thread, this is a set up that is not
> going to end well. More to the point, I still have no idea what you are
> trying to achieve with your triggers and functions.

Well.. will try ONE more time then.

1 - The customer can add any value into users.code column
2 - The customer can chose between *add or no**t* add the value on
users.code column
3 - If users.code is null (because the customer's chosen not to add any
value in there), a trigger/function has to do the job.
4 - the function/trigger add the next available value, which the default is
1000 and it's stored on companies.client_code_increment


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