On interface down:
< 06:31:36
GMTprocess_journal%LOG:  terminating walsender process due to replication

Once interface is brought back
 425906 <12692016-04-19 08:32:58 GMT%LOG:  starting background worker
process "bdr (6275149074578269365,2,16386,)->bdr (6275135922714263763,1,"
 425907 <597732016-04-19 08:32:58 GMT%ERROR:  relation "mygroup" already
 425908 <597732016-04-19 08:32:58 GMT%CONTEXT:  during DDL replay of ddl
statement: CREATE  TABLE  public.mygroup (id pg_catalog."varchar"(14)  NOT
NULL COLLATE pg_catalog."default", name pg_catalog."varchar"(100)   COLLATE
pg_catalog."default", device_type pg_catalog."varchar"(30)   COLLATE
pg_catalog."default", platform_type pg_catalog."varchar"(30)   COLLATE
CONSTRAINT mygroup_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) )  WITH (oids=OFF)
 425909 <12692016-04-19 08:32:58 GMT%LOG:  worker process: bdr
(6275149074578269365,2,16386,)->bdr (6275135922714263763,1,(PID 59773)
exited with exit code 1
 425910 < 08:32:59
GMTprocess_journal%LOG:  starting logical decoding for slot
 425911 < 08:32:59
GMTprocess_journal%DETAIL:  streaming transactions committing after
0/1014CEE8, reading WAL from 0/1014A920
 425912 < 08:32:59
GMTprocess_journal%LOG:  logical decoding found consistent point at
 425913 < 08:32:59
GMTprocess_journal%DETAIL:  There are no running transactions.
 425914 *< 08:32:59
GMTprocess_journal%LOG:  unexpected EOF on standby con**nection*

On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Alvaro Aguayo Garcia-Rada <
aagu...@opensysperu.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> What do you see on each node's log after enablibg interfaces?
> Regards,
> Alvaro Aguayo
> Jefe de Operaciones
> Open Comb Systems E.I.R.L.
> Oficina: (+51-1) 3377813 | RPM: #034252 / (+51) 995540103  | RPC:
> (+51) 954183248
> Website: www.ocs.pe
> Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone
> ---- Nikhil wrote ----
> Hello,
> I have a 2 node BDR group and replication is happening properly. if i
> bring down one of the node's interface, after sometime the replication
> slots are becoming inactive (pg_replication_slots view). Then if i bring
> back interface slots are not turning active automatically and replication
> stops. Any idea why automatically its not re-established ?
> Best Regards,
> Nikhil

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