On Friday, April 15, 2016 8:13:56 PM EDT Melvin Davidson wrote:
> *Thanks for the sympathetic feedback John. I understand people are
> reluctant to change. It was just my intent to enlighten others as to the
> true background behind it.*
> *So if it's not about to change, then I'll just have to cry $boo $hoo, $oye
> $vey. :)*

Reading this:


it appears to me that the true origin is not what you claim it to be, but pre-
war MIT pranksters.

And besides: language evolves. Words change meaning over time. Nobody typing 
'foo = 2*bar' thinks about WW2 acronym, and everybody reading it immediately 
understands it, again without referring to that acronym.

The horse is dead, Jim. Stop beating it.

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