Alexey Bashtanov schrieb am 06.04.2016 um 12:55:
> I am searching for a proper database schema version management system.
> My criteria are the following:
> 0) Open-source, supports postgresql
> 1) Uses psql to execute changesets (to have no problems with COPY, 
> transaction management or sophisticated DDL commands, and to benefit from 
> scripting)
> 2) Support repeatable migrations (SQL files that get applied every time they 
> are changed, it is useful for functions or views tracking).
> Reasonable?
> But unfortunately it looks like each of Liquibase, Flyway, SqlHawk, 
> MigrateDB, Schema-evolution-manager, 
> Depesz's Versioning, Alembic and Sqitch does not satisfy some of those, right?
> What DB VCS do you use and how does it related with the criteria listed above?
> Do you have any idea what other systems to try?

We are quite happy with Liquibase (using the XML format exclusively). 

COPY FROM stdin isn't supported that is true, but so far we did not have the 
need for hat. 
We don't do bulk imports in our schema migrations. 

DDL commands can easily be run using the <sql> tag, but for e.g. stored 
functions or view definitions we usually use <sqlFile> runOnChange="true" 
(that's your #2) and we only use a single statement per file so that we can 
also use splitStatements=false to avoid any problems with embedded semicolons 
(which in turn means that the included SQL file can easily be tested with psql 
or any other SQL client)

We written our own implementation of the Liquibase "Database" class (actually 
only a slightly modified version of the built-in one) that gets the quoting 
right for Liquibase & Postgres. Liquibase automatically quotes identifiers if 
they are no completely written in lowercase which is a bit annoying. 


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