Just to throw some extreme ideas out there, you could stand up a postgres
on some other server, pg_dump your current database and use that dump to
build up your second postgres. Use that new postgres when your system goes
live again after downtime. Restoring from a dump means your database would
not take up as much space since I assume your issue is that all that space
was allocated to postgres for the purposes of your large number of table

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Melvin Davidson <melvin6...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 10:57 AM, bricklen <brick...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 7:27 AM, Mike Blackwell <mike.blackw...@rrd.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I have a large table with numerous indexes which has approximately
>>> doubled in size after adding a column - every row was rewritten and 50% of
>>> the tuples are dead.  I'd like to reclaim this space, but VACUUM FULL
>>> cannot seem to finish within the scheduled downtime.
>>> Any suggestions for reclaiming the space without excessive downtime?
>> pg_repack is a good tool for removing bloat.
>> https://github.com/reorg/pg_repack
> "I have a large table with numerous indexes :
> My first thought is, "DEFINE NUMEROUS". How many indexes do you actually
> have? How many of those indexes are actually used? In addition to VACUUMing
> the table, it also needs to go through every index you have.
> So find out if you have any unneeded indexes with:
> SELECT n.nspname as schema,
>        i.relname as table,
>        i.indexrelname as index,
>        i.idx_scan,
>        i.idx_tup_read,
>        i.idx_tup_fetch,
>        pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(quote_ident(n.nspname) || '.' ||
> quote_ident(i.relname))) AS table_size,
>        pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(quote_ident(n.nspname) || '.' ||
> quote_ident(i.indexrelname))) AS index_size,
>        pg_get_indexdef(idx.indexrelid) as idx_definition
>   FROM pg_stat_all_indexes i
>   JOIN pg_class c ON (c.oid = i.relid)
>   JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
>   JOIN pg_index idx ON (idx.indexrelid =  i.indexrelid )
>  WHERE i.idx_scan = 0
>    AND NOT idx.indisprimary
>    AND NOT idx.indisunique
>  ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
> Then drop any index that shows up!
> --
> *Melvin Davidson*
> I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
> wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

Robert McAlpine
DevOps Engineer
Perfecta Federal <http://www.perfectafederal.com/>
6506 Loisdale Road
Springfield, VA 22150
O: 202.888.4949 ext 1005
C: 757.620.3503

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