On 3/14/2016 6:41 PM, drum.lu...@gmail.com wrote:
So I'm doing:
INSERT INTO junk.wm_260_billables2 (account_id, code, info) SELECT
account_id, code || '_' || nextval('uuid_generate_v4()')::text,
info FROM junk.wm_260_billables1;
Getting the error:
ERROR: relation "uuid_generate_v4()" does not exist
But the extension is working:
select uuid_generate_v4() as one;
(1 row)
select * from pg_available_extensions;
uuid-ossp | 1.0 | 1.0 | generate
universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
Do you know what might I being doing wrong?
nextval() takes a sequence name. not a function like uuid_generate_v4().
if you insist on using UUID (very slow to generate, very bulky), then try...
INSERT INTO junk.wm_260_billables2 (account_id, code, info) SELECT
account_id, code || '_' || uuid_generate_v4(), info FROM
john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz