Here 1-pass version, if you have improvement suggestions, you are welcome -
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS words_array_subtract(anyarray, anyarray); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION words_array_subtract(from_array anyarray, remove_array anyarray) RETURNS anyarray AS $func$ DECLARE i integer; j integer; remove_ignore boolean[]; result_array from_array%TYPE := '{}'; BEGIN IF NOT from_array @> remove_array THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '% does not contain %', from_array, remove_array; END IF; remove_ignore := ARRAY_FILL(FALSE, ARRAY[ARRAY_LENGTH(remove_array, 1)]); RAISE NOTICE 'remove_ignore = %', remove_ignore; <<from_loop>> FOR i IN ARRAY_LOWER(from_array, 1)..ARRAY_UPPER(from_array, 1) LOOP FOR j IN ARRAY_LOWER(remove_array, 1)..ARRAY_UPPER(remove_array, 1) LOOP IF remove_ignore[j] = FALSE AND from_array[i] = remove_array[j] THEN remove_ignore[j] := TRUE; CONTINUE from_loop; END IF; END LOOP; result_array := ARRAY_APPEND(result_array, from_array[i]); END LOOP; RETURN result_array; END; $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; # select words_array_subtract(ARRAY[1,2,2,3,4,4, 5], ARRAY[2,4,4]); NOTICE: remove_ignore = {f,f,f} words_array_subtract ---------------------- {1,2,3,5} (1 row) # select words_array_subtract(ARRAY['A','A','B','B','C'], ARRAY['A','B']); NOTICE: remove_ignore = {f,f} words_array_subtract ---------------------- {A,B,C} (1 row) On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 2:28 PM, Alexander Farber < > wrote: > I could not find a solution neither > at > nor at > > So I have written my own stored function > to subtract one non-unique array from another > (like swapping tiles in a word game): > >