On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 5:01 AM, Geoff Winkless <pgsqlad...@geoff.dj> wrote:
> On 7 March 2016 at 11:48, Victor Yegorov <vyego...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2016-03-07 13:38 GMT+02:00 Geoff Winkless <pgsqlad...@geoff.dj>:
>>> BETWEEN 20160219 AND 20160221;
>> Will it help if you'll add `count(*)` to your query like this:
>>     SELECT min(sc_id), count(*) FROM legs WHERE scdate BETWEEN 20160219 AND
>> 20160221;
> Thanks for the reply.
> Yes, that does work around the problem, sort-of (although it's only
> using the scdate-only index, since it needs all the data):

You could also do "min(sc_id+0)" rather than adding a count(*) column.
Although that is not as future proof, as someday the planner might
recognize that '+0' is a no-op.

If your table is well-vacuumed such that pg_class.relallvisible is
high, then it should use the (scdate,sc_id) index in an index-only
scan.  But if relallvisible is low, it has to check the table itself
for visibility information which destroys most of the benefit of an
index-only scan, and thus would prefer to use the smaller index

> Even given that, I still don't see why the (scdate,sc_id) index isn't
> perfect for this; it allows the planner to use sc_id for MIN() while
> using scdate to restrict the values. Three values to look up from the
> index-only.
> If I manually change the query to do what I hoped the planner would do for me:
> SELECT LEAST(( SELECT MIN(sc_id) FROM legs WHERE scdate =20160219), (
> SELECT MIN(sc_id) FROM legs WHERE scdate =20160220), ( SELECT
> MIN(sc_id) FROM legs WHERE scdate =20160221));

PostgreSQL does not (yet) implement "loose" index scans or "skip
scans", which is what you are asking for.  You can roll your own using
the techniques described here:
https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Loose_indexscan, which has the
benefit over your example code in that you don't need to enumerate all
possible values, it effectively does it for you.



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