Thanks for the answer guys.

I should have mentionned that I had read the doc,
and was looking for non explicit knowledge,
like :
- what is the reputation of plpython for a dba?
- are there actual production system that use it
- what would be the recommended usage perimeter ?
  (only administration script like function, advanced processing, etc ...)


2016-03-03 20:55 GMT+01:00 David G. Johnston <>:

> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 12:35 PM, Adrian Klaver <>
> wrote:
>> On 03/03/2016 10:09 AM, Rémi Cura wrote:
>>> Hey List,
>>> would it be considered safe to use plpythonu for a production database?
>>> What would be the limitations/ dangers?
>> They are explained here:
>> "PL/Python is only available as an "untrusted" language, meaning it does
>> not offer any way of restricting what users can do in it and is therefore
>> named plpythonu. A trusted variant plpython might become available in the
>> future if a secure execution mechanism is developed in Python. The writer
>> of a function in untrusted PL/Python must take care that the function
>> cannot be used to do anything unwanted, since it will be able to do
>> anything that could be done by a user logged in as the database
>> administrator. Only superusers can create functions in untrusted languages
>> such as plpythonu."
> ​See also:
>     ON LANGUAGE lang_name [, ...]
>     TO role_specification [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]
> ​and
>     ON { FUNCTION function_name ( [ [ argmode ] [ arg_name ] arg_type [,
> ...] ] ) [, ...]
>          | ALL FUNCTIONS IN SCHEMA schema_name [, ...] }
>     TO role_specification [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]
> David J.

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