FWIW here are examples from PL/R for incoming (argument) and outgoing
(result) conversions of scalar values:


That same file also has routines for conversions of more complex data types.
[dmb>] Thank you for the links. Obviously you've put a lot of effort into this 
work, and equally obviously you know far more about this than I do. But I think 
the problem I face is a little different.

This code shows a programming environment in which both the Postgres and R 
declarations are in scope, and the code references both. I can't do that. I 
don't have any C code or any C API that I can bring into a Postgres scope, and 
Postgres does not provide a 'pure' C API that can be referenced from another 

So what I'm trying to do is to write that 'pure' interface, using a thin layer 
of C and a chosen set of intermediate data types. [Take a look at 
https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/funclist.html to see what I mean by a pure 

For the fixed types, the Datum format is simple enough, but the variable types 
are much harder. Text comes as char with an encoding and I need Unicode. 
Decimal and time are proprietary formats of some kind, which I would prefer not 
to have to access directly. And so on.

I'm making progress, but it's slow. I've got everything else working: SPI 
queries, decoding tuples, etc. It's just these conversions that have me stuck.

David M Bennett FACS

Andl - A New Database Language - andl.org

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