Hi Remi! This SQL function you have provided, seems to return all valid files, is that correct? In my case, it returned all my ‘base/’ files. Is that normal? If yes, maybe you rename the function to ‘find_useful_postgres_files’ ;-)
Could you explain in steps how to use this function to make a cleanup of bloated data? (like in an example with commands and example output, if possible of course) Thanks! Mit besten Grüßen / With best regards, Johnny Morano ____________________________________________________ Johnny Morano | Principal Systems Engineer PAY.ON GmbH | AN ACI WORLDWIDE COMPANY | WWW.PAYON.COM<http://www.payon.com/> Jakob-Haringer-Str. 1 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria Registered at: LG Salzburg | Company number: FN 315081 f | VAT-ID: ATU64439405 Managing Director: Christian Bamberger Follow us on: [cid:image001.jpg@01D126D0.E1AB0670]<http://blog.payon.com/> [cid:image002.jpg@01D126D0.E1AB0670] <http://www.linkedin.com/company/146260?trk=tyah> [cid:image003.jpg@01D126D0.E1AB0670] <https://twitter.com/PAYON_com> This email message and any attachments may contain confidential, proprietary or non-public information. This information is intended solely for the designated recipient(s). If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected this email, please notify the sender immediately and destroy this email. Any review, dissemination, use or reliance upon this information by unintended recipients is prohibited. Any opinions expressed in this email are those of the author personally. This message and any attachments have been scanned for viruses prior leaving PAY.ON; however, PAY.ON does not guarantee the security of this message and will not be responsible for any damages arising as a result of any virus being passed on or arising from any alteration of this message by a third party. PAY.ON may monitor e-mails sent to and from PAY.ON. From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Rémi Cura Sent: Mittwoch, 2. März 2016 14:58 To: Alvaro Herrera Cc: PostgreSQL General Subject: Re: [GENERAL] bloated postgres data folder, clean up Would gladly do it, but still this "wiki cooloff" stuff, can't create a page Cheers, Rémi-C 2016-02-29 20:44 GMT+01:00 Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com<mailto:alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com>>: Rémi Cura wrote: > Hey dear list, > after a fex years of experiments and crash, > I ended up with a grossly bloated postgres folder. > I had about 8 Go of useless files. Would you add a new page to the wiki with this? https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Category:Administrative_Snippets -- Álvaro Herrera http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/ PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services