
Just a short question to that.

> CONCAT(f.nrfo, '/', TO_CHAR(fd1.validfrom, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), f2.nrfo, 
> TO_CHAR(fd7.validfrom, 'YYYY-MM-DD'),
> DATE(fd5.validto)-DATE(fd1.validfrom))
> that works fine but when I change to this(I added a ' with '):
> ARRAY_AGG(CONCAT(f.nrfo, '/', TO_CHAR(fd1.validfrom, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), ' with ', 
> f2.nrfo, TO_CHAR(fd7.validfrom, 'YYYY-
> MM-DD'), DATE(fd5.validto)-DATE(fd1.validfrom))) AS temp,
> then concat returns NULL.
> Why? I tried to add ' with '::VARCHAR and ' with '::TEXT but the result is 
> still NULL.

Do you get NULL also if you run the query without the call to array_agg(), i.e. 
for all entries in your table?


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