
I have a three node postgresql 9.4 cluster configured with one standby in
sync mode and the other in asynch mode.

If the master datbase is shutdown the pg promote happens as expected.
However on the remaining standby node the RECOVERY.CONF file is
misconfigured when issuing the command:

Repmgr ­f ./etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf ‹verbose standby follow

The recovery.conf file get created like this:

primary_conninfo = 'port=5432 host=10.999.99.999  user=repmgr

When it should look like thisŠ

primary_conninfo      = 'host=postgres-1c-01.node.us-east-1.yyyy.xxx.com
port=5432 user=replication password=<top secret password>¹

Where is it picking up the user and application_name?

This same this is happening when I use rampager to reclone my former master
as a standby database.



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