Teodor Sigaev wrote:
I tried it on FreeBSD 64-bit, 16Gb, SSD, Core i7
( ./configure && gmake all; ) 168,99s user 15,46s system 97% cpu 3:09,61 total
( cmake . && gmake all; ) 75,11s user 11,34s system 100% cpu 1:26,30 total
( CFLAGS='-O2' cmake . && gmake all; ) 141,87s user 12,18s system 97% cpu
2:37,40 total
Oops, cmake default target is compiled with -O0. With -O2 cmake is still faster
but not so much.
Cmake 2 times faster, that is good, but I don't understand why. Which
optimization level does cmake buld use by default? Which compiler does it take?
It's not obvious, because cmake build hides actual compiler command line.
Yury, pls, return back check target...
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: teo...@sigaev.ru
WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/
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