----- Original Message -----
> From the 9.5 docs:
>   log_min_duration_statement (integer)
>   Causes the duration of each completed statement to be logged if the
>   statement ran for at least the specified number of
>   milliseconds. Setting this to zero prints all statement
>   durations. Minus-one (the default) disables logging statement
>   durations. For example, if you set it to 250ms then all SQL statements
>   that run 250ms or longer will be logged.
> While the first sentence explicitly states a fixed unit (namely msec),
> the last sentence seems to imply a (maybe optional) unit suffix
> (ms in this case).  Which one is true?
> How would e.g. "SET log_min_duration_statement=1min" be interpreted?

As one minute.

> I'd prefer a docs clarification.

# log all statements which take more than 100ms
log_min_duration_statement = 100

# log all statements which take more than 30 seconds
log_min_duration_statement = 30s

All of the GUCS which take time have both a base unit (ms, s) or they accept a 
time abbreviation (ms, s, min, h).

Josh Berkus
Red Hat OSAS
(opinions are my own)

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