[] On Behalf Of Felipe Santos
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 1:17 PM
To: Joshua D. Drake <>
Cc: Melvin Davidson <>; David Rowley 
<>;; Thomas Kellerer 
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] BRIN indexes

"Further to the point, it is self defeating to have more than one BRIN index on 
the table if the columns involved would have mutually  non-adjacent pages."

   Not really, if both columns are ordered, BRIN will work

"Therefore, it actually would be good to state that in the documentation, even 
it were just a comment."

   It is = "BRIN is designed for handling very large tables in which certain 
columns have some natural correlation with their physical location within the 

Also, I did some tests and here are the results I got:

Query with no index = completion time 43s
Same Query with BRIN = completion time 14s / index size 0,5 MB
Same Query without BRIN and with BTREE = completion time 10s / index size 
5.000,00 MB

As you can see, BRIN can save 99% of disk space for just a slightly worse 

It seems like a huge improvement, given that your data fits BRIN's use case.


What kind of queries you used in your test?
Where they based on clustering columns?

Igor Neyman

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