Hi John,

Thanks, but I already saw that link. The problem is to installing the
tds_fwd extension on postgres. And I don't know how to (never tried)
compile it...

What comes with postgres by default is the postgres fdw
<http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/postgres-fdw.html>, that
allow to link 2 different postgres servers, but in this case that doesn't
help me.

On 23 January 2016 at 04:40, John J. Turner <fenwayri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jan 22, 2016, at 1:05 PM, ivo silvestre <ivo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I need to create a linked server between 2 Windows servers. In one I've
> PostgreSQL with admin privileges and in the other MS SQL with only read
> access.
> >
> > I need to create a view (or a foreign table?) in PostgreSQL from a table
> in MS SQL in another server ...
> > ... I found GeoffMontee's Github, but I don't know how to install it on
> Windows...
> Perhaps this link may help:
> https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/3663/sql-server-and-postgresql-foreign-data-wrapper-configuration--part-3/
> The only caveat I see offhand is the use of the 'sa' account, but I can't
> vouch for that being a required mapping.
> Cheers,
> John

Ivo Silvestre
*técnico sig | gis technician*


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