On 01/23/2016 04:42 AM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 1/22/2016 7:13 PM, David Rowley wrote:
>> BRIN can be seen as a form of "automatic partitioning", and I have
>> seen it described as such in documents relating to the BRIN project,
>> so perhaps that description has made its way further afield and that's
>> maybe what your coworker heard about.
>> If you view the inheritance partitioning feature as a method of
>> eliminating scans of partitions which can be proved unneeded at
>> planning time, then BRIN can eliminate blocks from a scan of a single
>> relation (or rather "pages_per_range") during execution time. So I
>> agree with the "automatic partitioning" description.
> ok, but it doesn't deal with our use case of needing to bulk delete a 6

I can't really parse the end of that sentence, but you are correct that
BRIN does not help at all with partition dropping.  Think of it more as
a Seq Scan optimization.
Vik Fearing                                          +33 6 46 75 15 36
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