On 01/20/2016 03:29 PM, Johannes wrote:
I noticed transferring a large object or bytea data between client and
server takes a long time.
For example: An image with a real size of 11 MB could be read on server
side (explain analyze) in 81ms. Fine.

But on client side the result was completed after 6.7 seconds without
ssl compression and 4.5 seconds with ssl compression (both via 100MBit

SSL compression seems to be not a good idea anymore, since this had
become a security risk. Its still possible with pgadmin, but afaik not
with java/jdbc .

Are there any other solutions available to display my images in my
client application more quickly? Or are there planned improvements to
postgresql (transferring the real binary data)?

Best regards

Yep, that's slow.  The ssl compression is very odd if the image is jpeg'ish and 
already compressed.  If its a bitmap or uncompressed tif then its not so 

A few tests you could try:

1) copy the same 11 meg file from server to client via regular file copy and 
time it.  At 100 Mbit/s it should take about a second.  If it takes 6 you have 
network problems, not PG problems.

2) try it via psql command line (or at least something other than java), to see 
if its java thats the problem.

3) watch wireshark/tcpdump, maybe you'll see something glaring that'll point 
you in the right direction.


PS: I've never heard that ssl compression was a security risk, got links/proof?

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