I am unable to find out the syntax error in below code, please suggest?

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "select"
LINE 44:             select Count(0) into sFound  from budget_period ...
********** Error **********
ERROR: syntax error at or near "select"
SQL state: 42601
Character: 1190

Code as below:

select Count(0) into sFound  from budget_period t where t.subscriber_id
            and t.period_number = period and
            if(sFound = 0)then
                insert into budget_period (subscriber_id, company_id,
period_number, period_name,
                period_length_code, first_day, last_day,creation_date,
creation_user, update_date, update_user, language_id)
                values(subID, compID, period,  curMonth,  'MONTH',
                firstDate, lastDate, LOCALTIMESTAMP,
'Admin',LOCALTIMESTAMP, 'Admin', langCursor.Language_Id);
            end if;


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