On 14 January 2016 at 17:11, Joshua D. Drake <j...@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> Right but here is the rub. Being anti-gay marriage isn't an extreme opinion.
> It is a minority opinion for sure but it is certainly not extreme.

Well it is - it's an extremity in the range of potential view points.

> Another issue, consider the statement:
> "We do not need more women in the community"
> Some will say, "Well yeah, that's true."
> Others will say, "You are sexist, you violate the CoC"
> We have both of those in this community, and I would argue the "others" are
> actually the ones violating the CoC. They are personally disparaging someone
> for a perfectly valid opinion.

Well yes, to say "you are sexist" is violating the CoC, because it's a
personal attack. The correct thing to do is to state that the opinion
is a violation of the CoC, without making any judgement about the
person making that statement :)


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