Andreas Joseph Krogh <> writes:
> PÃ¥ tirsdag 12. januar 2016 kl. 22:56:56, skrev John R Pierce <
> <>>:
>> On 1/12/2016 1:20 PM, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:
>>> I'm moving a > 500GB DB to another server which is initdb'ed with a
>>> different locale (nb_NO.UTF-8 to get correct collation when ORDER BY).
>>> Is there another option than pg_dump/restore for doing this?

>>  nope, because the text data has to be converted to the new encoding,
>>  indexes rebuilt since the collation order is different, etc.

> I was pretty sure there wasn't, but had to ask before imposing downtime on 
> our 
> customers.

If you're only changing collation and not encoding, then in principle you
could move the tables over and then reindex each collation-sensitive
index.  pg_upgrade has no ability to do that for you though, which would
make it an error-prone manual process.  Also, it'd be far from
zero-downtime since you still gotta rebuild a lot of indexes.

                        regards, tom lane

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