Can anyone help me figure out how to run/debug PostgreSQL in Eclipse on
Windows? This is a cross post with
I'm trying to build|PosgreSQL|in Eclipse CDT Mars on Windows using the
MinGW-64 gcc 5.3.0
I installed|MSYS2|and used|pacman|to update all the software that came
with it and install gcc etc.
I downloaded the PostgreSQL source code and tried to follow thedocs
can't figure out where to download the
dependencies?*1.|libreadline5-dev|, 2.|zlib1g-dev|, 3.|bison (YACC)|,
4.|flex|and where to save them to on disk?
I ran|./configure --prefix=$HOME/project --enable-depend
--enable-cassert --enable-debug|and it seems to have completed with no
errors,*but I do not see anything at|$HOME/project|?*
I installed Eclipse CDT and added the include paths to the
Environment:Screenshot of Eclipse Environment
I imported the project as Existing Code as Makefile Project.
When I try to|build|the project Eclipse says|Info: Nothing to build for
When I try to run it a dialog box says|Unable to Launch. The selection
can not be launched and there are no recent launches|
How can I run/debug PostgreSQL in Eclipse on Windows?
Igal Sapir
Lucee Core Developer <>