On 01/11/2016 02:30 PM, James Keener wrote:
(Sorry for the dup post. I felt having a clean thread without having to
cross-reference was worth the minor faux pas.)

3. A safe, respectful, productive and collaborative environment is free
of comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical
appearance, body size or race.

why not

3.A safe, respectful, productive and collaborative environment is free
of ad hominem.

I still think we need the examples which is why I sent this a few minutes ago:

""" A safe, respectful, productive and collaborative environment is free
of non-technical or personal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size or race. """


2. The CoC is not about being offended.The act of being offended is
purely a recipient response and usually the offended individual is more
interested in being a victim than moving forward.

is very harsh.

So is life. We aren't here to wipe butts and change a diaper. However, yes I do agree that it is harsh. The point is really in relation to #6, the CoC is not about Social Justice.

There are people in this community, people I know personally who will abuse this CoC if it is not exceedingly clear that their ability to be offended is not relevant.



Command Prompt, Inc. - http://www.commandprompt.com/  503-667-4564
PostgreSQL Centered full stack support, consulting and development.
Announcing "I'm offended" is basically telling the world you can't
control your own emotions, so everyone else should do it for you.

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