On 01/05/2016 04:12 PM, oleg yusim wrote:
> Hi Adrian,
> I meant a scenario, when user is trying to connect to database (doesn't 
> matter what interface) and database fails at this moment. If all 
> authentication/authorization/validation functions are written to return 
> false in case of abnormal termination, we are fine. If not, we can 
> potentially encounter the situation when database fails into state where 
> user is given greater privileges than he/she should or even 
> authenticated, when he/she shouldn't.

Might want to take a look at:


 * CleanupBackend -- cleanup after terminated backend.
 * Remove all local state associated with backend.
 * If you change this, see also CleanupBackgroundWorker.
static void

 * HandleChildCrash -- cleanup after failed backend, bgwriter, checkpointer,
 * walwriter, autovacuum, or background worker.
 * The objectives here are to clean up our local state about the child
 * process, and to signal all other remaining children to quickdie.
static void


Just do a find on crash.

> Thanks,
> Oleg

Adrian Klaver

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