Hello. I would like to create the query like the following. It work well, but extreme slow. Is it possible to improve this query like the command ``grep -f keyword data``?
What kind of Index should I create on url_lists table? Detail https://gist.github.com/hiroyuki-sato/574b8ea5d9396e455d60 SELECT u.url FROM url_lists u, keywords k WHERE u.url @~ k.url AND k.name = 'esc_url'; Explain output. Nested Loop (cost=0.45..1570856063.28 rows=57122000000 width=57) -> Index Scan using ix_name_keywords on keywords k (cost=0.28..221.78 rows=5000 width=30) Index Cond: ((name)::text = 'esc_url'::text) -> Index Only Scan using ix_url_url_lists on url_lists u (cost=0.17..199927.17 rows=11424400 width=57) Index Cond: (url @~ k.url) Best regards. -- Hiroyuki Sato.