Pleas don't top post - see comment at the bottom of this email.

On 27/12/15 01:03, Kevin Waterson wrote:
Thanks, as I am new to postgres, I was unaware of this function.
To go with this, I guess I will need a table with which to store intervals, start and end dates?

CREATE table events(
    id serial primary key,
    start_timestamp timestamp,
    end_timestamp timestamp,

with dateRange as
SELECT min(start_timestamp) as first_date, max(start_timestamp) as last_date
  FROM events
generate_series(first_date, last_date, '1 hour'::interval)::timestamp as date_hour
from dateRange;

or something??

Kind regards

On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 7:22 PM, Pavel Stehule < <>> wrote:


    2015-12-26 8:28 GMT+01:00 Kevin Waterson <

        I wish to set up a table of recurring, and non-recurring events.
        I have been looking at
        which looks nice (complex but nice) and wonder if there was a
        better option for this in more recent pgsql versions.


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