On Tue, 22 Dec 2015 23:21:27 +0000, David Wilson <dw...@hmmz.org>

>On Linux the memory pages of an exiting process aren't sanitized at
>exit, however it is impossible(?) for userspace to reallocate them
>without the kernel first zeroing their contents.

Not impossible, but it requires a non-standard kernel.

Since 2.6.33, mmap() accepts the flag MAP_UNINITIALIZED which allows
pages to be mapped without being cleared.  The flag has no effect
unless the kernel was built with CONFIG_MMAP_ALLOW_UNINITIALIZED.

No mainstream distro enables this.  AFAIK, there is NO distro at all
that enables it ... it's too big a security risk for a general purpose
system.  It's intended to support embedded systems where the set of
programs is known.


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