On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 1:42 AM, Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net> wrote:
> Oleg,
> * oleg yusim (olegyu...@gmail.com) wrote:
>> tcp_keepalives_idle = 900
>> tcp_keepalives_interval=0
>> tcp_keepalives_count=0
>> Doesn't terminate connection to database in 15 minutes of inactivity of
>> psql prompt. So, it looks like that would work only for case if network
>> connection is broken and session left hanging. For psql prompt case looks
>> like pg_terminate_backend() would be the only solution.
> Those settings aren't for controlling idle timeout of a connection.
> pg_terminate_backend() will work and could be run out of a cronjob.

Or a background worker if you are using PG >= 9.3:
This has the advantage to not have the cronjob error out should the
server be stopped. That's less error handling to take care of at
frontend level.

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