Dear Sir.

I'm sorry. The attachment was too big. You can find the source code and the
binary at 

Best regards.

TS. Nguyễn Trần Quốc Vinh
Chủ nhiệm khoa Tin học
Trường ĐH Sư phạm - ĐH Đà Nẵng
Website: <>;
LLKH: <>
ĐT: 0511.6-512-586
DĐ: 0914.78-08-98
Nguyen Tran Quoc Vinh, PhD
Faculty of Information Technology
Danang University of Education
Website:; <>;
SCV: <>
Phone: (+84) 511.6-512-586
Mobile: (+84) 914.78-08-98

On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 5:39 PM, Nguyễn Trần Quốc Vinh <>

> Dear Sir.
> I'm sorry. The attachment was too big. You can find the source code and
> the binary at
> v4._a_.
> Best regards.
> On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 5:17 PM, Nguyễn Trần Quốc Vinh <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Sirs.
>> We have build a tool that generates all triggers in C-language for all
>> data-changing events on all tables underlying upon query. The generated
>> triggers do synchronous incremental updates for MV. Although the feature of
>> synchronous incremental update integrated into the PostgreSQL source code
>> may be more optimal plan. But the solution with triggers may have its
>> benefit because of its relative independence from versions of the DBMS.
>> The tool is written in C in Windows environment. I'm trying to adapt to
>> the Linux environment, but i can not finish in the short time.
>> The matview can be created by any queries with restrictions:
>> - no recursive;
>> - no having;
>> - no sub-queries;
>> - inner join;
>> - aggregate functions: COUNT, CUM, AVG, MIN, MAX.
>> The current version of program can work only with 32bit PostgreSQL, but
>> the generated triggers can be built for both 32bit and 64bit versions,
>> depending on the version of libs are included during compiling. The program
>> is not implemented all of our algorithm. We have to do also some
>> optimization.
>> You can find the run.bat in the release\example.
>> o11dw-OK4-lowercase.backup file is the backup of the database transformed
>> from oracle 11g sample database. The query accompanied with the example is
>> designed for that database. It requests the local PostgreSQL instance
>> running at port 5432.
>> We use Visual Studio 2013 for building the generator. You can find the
>> project within the .rar attached too. It is configured for PostgreSQL 9.3
>> 32bit. You can change the configuration as you want related to the
>> platform, include folder and library folder. Please, don't forget to
>> install Visual Leak Detector and set the project configuration for it too.
>> The incremental update algorithm that is implemented within the generated
>> triggers is based on the published academic papers with my improvement and
>> adapting to be implemented with PostgreSQL triggers. I will send you at
>> least the general steps of the algorithm in the near future. My English is
>> not very good, so i need many time to figure out the content with high
>> complexity. I'm looking forward for understanding from you.
>> I hope our solution will bring benefits to you. We are willing to all the
>> recommendations and the cooperation to improve the tool.
>> Thank you and best regards,
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> Nguyen Tran Quoc Vinh, PhD
>> Dean
>> Faculty of Information Technology
>> Danang University of Education
>> Website:; <>
>> ;
>> SCV: <>
>> Phone: (+84) 511.6-512-586
>> Mobile: (+84) 914.78-08-98
>> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 6:36 PM, Michael Paquier <
>>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 7:01 AM, Pradhan, Sabin <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Does postgres  has fast refresh materialized view  that supports
>>> incremental
>>> > refresh. In oracle  , this is achieve  by materialized view log. Not
>>> sure
>>> > how to  implement it in postgres.
>>> No. Postgres offers just the possibility to refresh materialized views
>>> while taking a lock on it that allows reads to continue running on it
>>> that a UNIQUE index needs to be created on it.
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>>> --
>>> Michael
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