On 11/30/2015 01:32 PM, 2athep+5ud7717ssv...@guerrillamail.com wrote:
Newly installed postgresql 9.4.5

Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Standard SP1, x64

Installed from postgresql-9.4.5-2-windows-x64.exe

from http://www.enterprisedb.com/products-services-training/pgdownload#windows

File version of psql.exe is p.4.5.15322

I have disabled passwords in pg_hba.conf, because password
is not working for my superuser--this is why I wish to
create a new user--to see if passwords are broken in general,
or only for that first account--so have local method
set to "trust" to get in.

Invoking psql thus:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin>

psql -p 5432 -U postgres

Attempting to create a new user thus:

postgres=# createuser -P -s testuser ;

I get this error:

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "createuser"

LINE 1: createuser -P -s testuser ;
I do not understand why there is a syntax error at
   the keyword createuser.

Because you are using this:


when you want to use:


To put it another way createuser is a stand alone command line program to be run in a shell and CREATE USER is a SQL command.

Can anyone give me any pointers?

- P

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