Hi all, We have started to convert some oracle sql scripts and converting them to postgres, but facing some issues to create table.
I have some common doubts in create table script ie. ALTER TABLE employee DROP PRIMARY KEY CASCADE; DROP employee CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE employee ( LABEL_IMP VARCHAR2(50 BYTE) ) TABLESPACE DATA_TB PCTUSED 0 PCTFREE 10 INITRANS 1 MAXTRANS 255 STORAGE ( INITIAL 5M NEXT 5M MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0 BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT ) LOGGING NOCOMPRESS NOCACHE NOPARALLEL MONITORING; I am trying to find replacement for above keywords highlighted in BOLD in postgres, but unable to find it on google. Could you please let us know if these parameter are managed internally in postgres or what are the alternative. Regards, Tarkeshwar