On 10/29/2015 10:54 AM, Melvin Davidson wrote:
>Probably not a good idea to put your data in the postgres database.
This is one of the system databases created by >initdb and is meant to
be used as a default database to connect to, not really as one to store
data in. Just did a test >with pg_dumpall and it is not dumped when you
backup the entire cluster.
This statement is not entirely accurate. Although I agree it is a good
idea to have a separate named database for each "application"pg_dumpall
does not add a "CREATE DATABASE postgres;" to the dump file because
pg_restore expects that the postgres database already exists. However,
all objects in the postgres database are dumped and will be restored.
This can be verified because you can do a "grep 'connect postgres'
<your_pg_dump_file" and it will be found, as are any object in the
postgres database..
You are correct. I did not dig deep enough into the dump file.
On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 7:57 PM, Yves Dorfsman <y...@zioup.com
<mailto:y...@zioup.com>> wrote:
On 2015-10-28 14:09, anj patnaik wrote:
> Also, I want to know if anyone has found any handy cron scripts for
> backups to run on a daily/weekly basis? i found some on google, but
> to know if there are better ones.
It does a lot more but:
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